Inspiration for those who are wondering how to become successful. If you are struggling, please stop and watch this will give you that realization you need to keep on keeping on!

Video  —  Posted: August 7, 2012 in Uncategorized

This is a man has altered my mindset TREMENDOUSLY in life and how I make decisions on how to pursue education. You can’t get “wealth education” in college, but you can go get that education from gentlemen like him. This is an opinion so by all means, if you disagree, go your traditional route, however if you feel there is an understanding you need in making money or creating wealth…he along with hundreds of other “gurus” out there have what you need to learn…In this economy you must be financially literate, so before making decisions with money..understand it!

Video  —  Posted: August 5, 2012 in Uncategorized

This is a man who has altered my mindset TREMENDOUSLY in life and how I make decisions on how to pursue education. You can’t get “wealth education” in college, but you can go get that education from gentlemen like him. This is an opinion so by all means, if you disagree, go your traditional route, however if you feel there is an understanding you need in making money or creating wealth…he along with hundreds of other “gurus” out there have what you need to learn. I am not sure where this particular program he is talking about is, or even if it is available but following what he teaches, even through YouTube is eye-opening enough..In this economy you must be financially literate, so before making decisions with money..understand it!

Video  —  Posted: August 5, 2012 in Uncategorized

After Year Up..

Posted: August 3, 2012 in Uncategorized

“So we graduated Year Up, let’s turn the page and work 10x harder for our BIGGER goals.. This is where it all starts, we’ve ALL proven we can overcome the Year Up challenge, now what can we possibly do AFTER seeing our own potential? Can we get a promotion at our jobs or become the next CEO? Can we even finish college? Can we become an entrepreneur? Can we push through life’s obstacles to be where we want to be?… It’s ALL out there up for grabs if we can reach high enough! <— I’m down with that, hope July 2012 graduates are, let’s GET ‘EM!”

I shared that on Facebook not too long ago just to put it in writing. Those were my thoughts on the entire journey of Year Up and what I think it means for everyone. Putting it in writing is so much more effective in my opinion. Just like goals, having them in writing is more of a convicting method to actually hold yourself accountable for your actions and DO THEM!

I will admit, I was not the hard worker that destroyed the competition in Year Up but I figured out a lot about myself and my limits on a personal level. I concluded through this that I have zero limits and all the “cheesy” books I read on personal development have paid off BIG TIME when it comes to mental strength and emotional intelligence in my life. I have learned to see the world and everyone in it as super valuable and able to do it all. I have also learned that the amount of work you put into something is the same amount as will get out of it. You know that “YOLO” saying you hear the teens say these days?…well its true and it applies everywhere in your life, I just make sure I say that when I am doing something productive and not something stupid.

After Year Up is the beginning of my new life and the work that is ahead of me. There will be no one or anything that can stop my goals from becoming a reality because I have promised myself that I will kick ass in whatever I do. The top performers, in any industry know this and have applied this to their lives on a daily basis. It is great and a HUGE time saver to know this at such a young age and be aware of the power I have to achieve anything.. I gotta admit, this time last year I was lost but now I know where I am headed..

Thanks Year Up and everyone in my life who helped make this possible..


Here it is:

On the surface, network marketing companies appear to be
thriving communities of consuming customers all happy with
the product that they are consuming and they really are, but
what drives that community of thriving consumers has
absolutely nothing to do with the product itself.

Let’s think about this statement.

Let me ask you a question:

Why did you decided to get started in a network marketing

You don’t have to say anything out loud but answer this
question in your head right now to yourself.

I guarantee you answer is somewhere along these lines “Well,
I started my business because I wanted to make some extra
money and who knows maybe even become financially free.”

Am I right?

Well let me ask you another question now.

When you prospect and talk to leads about your business what
do you talk to them about?

Most likely you try to stick to the corporate script which
inevitable ends up with your prospect asking you questions
about your network marketing companies products or services.

And by the end of the conversation you’ve lost control of
the call and both you and your prospect end up confused
(usually get somewhere between details about your companies
product or service and the compensation plan).

You get of the phone and hope that my some grace of god your
prospect you paid $5 to confuse will decided to join your

Likely story!

Here’s why:

Successful Network Marketing has NOTHING to do with selling
your prospect on your product at ALL!

To the contrary, the only thing that you should EVER talk to
your prospect about is the same thing that got you sold on
your companies business . . . More Money and Financial

You see network marketing is built on financial hopes and
dreams and honestly, if you’re looking for business builders
to recruit into your organization your prospects hopes and
dreams of financial success are the only thing that you
should speak to them about, so they can sell themselves on

As an illustration of this principle think about the
situation this way, if you had equal amounts of your
company’s product in one hand and money in the other which
do you think your prospect would choose?

The top money earners know the answer to that question and
that’s how why make all there money!

Here’s the other shift in perspective that you’re going to
have to make if you want to have ultimate success with your
business and it’s simply a logical continuation on the point
just discussed.

What you think of as your company’s product is NOT its real
product at ALL!

Do you think your network marketing company’s product is its
moon juice or long distance service?

If you do you’re very wrong.

Continuing on from my last point, remember your network
marketing business will not grow if you just push product it
will only grow if you sell people on their financial

So if you think about it, your company’s real product is
it’s sales training and marketing system. The better your
company’s marketing system is able to help you generate
sales the better any more quickly you will be able to reap
the financial benefits of your business.

To extend this point further, eventually you’ll want your
downline to do all the work so you don’t have to.

The simpler and more effective the marketing system plus the
strong the training your company provides the easier your
system will duplicate.

If you want to think about it in its most simple form, your
company’s real product is its duplicability.

If you find a system that is easy to duplicate and you can
have your prospect “sell themselves” on their financial
dreams you will have a highly successful network marketing

Your Job is Simple:

Find people that want to attain financial freedom your way
and then shorten their learning curve so that they can go
out and do the same.

Resource Box:

Discover how to earn a whopping $4,567,09 per month in your
spare time even if nobody joins your MLM business. Forget
cold calling. Forget those home meetings. In fact, forget
everything you’ve ever been taught about building a solid
income in Network Marketing from the “gurus”. Let this 25-
yr “unknown” marketer show you how he built an organization
of over 4,120 in 14 short months without making one phone
call! ==>

ImageI spent hours watching these videos and reading these articles on personal development. It was motivated by a conversation with one of my friends. Now, my friend here (Tony) has been through bullshit and battles with people and himself to get to where he is now. Granted, it is barely the beginning for him, I can hear it in his voice when we talk that he is hungry for bigger and better. He mentioned that he cut the unnecessary people that contributed to the b.s. he has dealt with and worked on himself by experiencing new things and picking up new skills in order to be of more value in the marketplace and make a difference. Passing the message along to me, a young ambitious individual who thrives on enthusiasm, joy for life and success, I was inclined to look deep within myself in terms of what I was/am really capable of doing. I understand that many people relinquish their dreams subconsciously by worrying about other people and constantly seeking their approval for anything they do or are about to do. I got to thinking that I was subconsciously doing the same in many aspects of my life whether it being my ideas, business aspirations and just things I want to do in general…SUBCONSCIOUSLY! That’s when it’s dangerous. During the conversation, I realized as well that I have been making a shift into being a leader and doing what I wanted to do and actually NOT worrying about the rest. I had some small occurrences that happened to me at the right time for me to start making the shift from being a BETA and being an ALPHA. 

  This conversation ended with the realization that the phrase: “put your money where your mouth is” is a very powerful phrase in life. I was battling so many obstacles, mainly things I created in my own mind that limited me from growing and moving forward. So, after that conversation was the 3 hours of personal development from the people who have what I want in life. I just dove in and absorbed this. In the end I felt great and it is not only what they say and make you think about but also the reminder of how much passion, commitment, consistency, and perseverance you need to do what you want to do or accomplish.

Many people who I know find this type of “talk” so mystical, lol. The be-all-you-can-be talk and I can’t stress enough that the rich do this 24-7! So, I don’t know but I think surrounding yourself with people who are hungry, (like my friend Tony) passionate and dare to dream and step outside the box is the way to enhance what you want to do. You’ll find that your mind, your physical posture, body language changes when you get used to hanging around this people. A great example is a kid from the gang infested neighborhood might say hi to you in a different way versus an employee from a prominent corporation, it rubs off. All in all it serves great value to get yourself some products on personal development, hang with the right people and put your money where your mouth is and show results, which is what makes a difference.


P.S comment!!!!! I’m just getting back on my blogging and want support from you! Tell me what you think, agree with/disagree with.


Joshua SantosImage

I’ve been gone for a while, but it was for good reason..I swear. I have been part of this program called Year Up that is affiliated with a local college (Cambridge College) and prepares students for the corporate world by providing them with an intensive 21 week rigorous training in finance or IT, your choice. I am in the 2nd phase as of now in the program and I have to say, when I chose finance, I got the ins and outs of the finance world thanks to a harsh instructor.



Anyways, as I think about this journey I am embarking on, I can’t help but think about being a man, holding my own, solving issues and overall independence. I’ve been trying to prove myself in so many different aspects of my life that I failed horribly in some and succeeded flawlessly in others. Here’s what I think these thoughts mean or are worth.

BEING A MAN: Being able to walk away from foolish problems that arise regularly in life that 90% of people make a big deal out of.

Making decisions on your own.

Helping your parents out with anything they need.

Holding yourself accountable for EVERYTHING that happens in your life..positive/negative.

…I know there are other things regarding “being a man” but for the sake of this blog and your attention, I will get to:

PROVING MYSELF: I believe it is a constant action we all do. To prove we can do something right, change something, someone and/or achieve self satisfaction.

SOLVING ISSUES: Not always asking the world for an answer, help, or  always complaining. There is so much a human is capable of but we don’t see it. We get in a state of overwhelm and we panic in unsure situations. It’s the “Flight or Fight” effect.. it dominates us.The key is to search for the solution rather than focusing on what happened so much.

CONFIDENCE: Not apologizing for the person you are and taking control of your life. 

Can you warm up the seat long enough?

You know, the seats of confidence, solving issues, proving yourself BEING A MAN… persevering….

If you stick to those seats you can dominate them instead of the other way around. Rolling up your sleeves and saying “I’m gonna do it” is powerful.

To conclude in a weird, maybe unclear way, I feel that your determination to live life is the only thing that will get you the things you want. What do you think?



Aside  —  Posted: January 15, 2012 in Uncategorized

There was a commercial that came on on MTV. It was a guy, (artist apparently), talking about a song he made with his band and what the significance of it was. It was the “triple love effect” as I now call it.

Explanation: There are those nights where we have such a good night that we say we loved the people, the food, and that one song that made us get up and dance. Typically it being a night out of course, I have to say I have experienced this effect as well.

I can be with random people I don’t know but become best friends for that night, I can eat food that for just that particular night, tastes sooo good, and that song I usually don’t dance to would make me do back flips..that night. Its a chemical scientific explanation for why people would feel like that, but I’m sure we would all love to feel like that everyday..


Tough Love, the best medicine.

Posted: November 11, 2011 in Uncategorized

There’s nothing better than someone telling you: “No.”  Why?  Well, whether it is depression, or even someone being too comfortable with a certain outcome, you can’t set people up for failure by supplying a temporary escape.  Coming from someone who experienced severe depression, the only thing that helped me overcome any obstacle was tough love.  Now, there’s a right and wrong way to do it, and you have to decide according to the situation and what’s ethically and morally correct.  I am dealing with my own self-dose of tough love, it’s helping me get through a lot and realize many things.

I can’t say that therapy is a bad idea because it takes someone to understand what they need to do, but not do it, in order to load ’em up with tough love. AGAIN, in no way am I saying therapy or consoling someone does not work and is a fraud, I have benefited from it myself when I was younger.  However, If you feel a friend, family, associate needs a dose of tough love, READY>>>AIM>>>FIRE!

josh #2

Image  —  Posted: October 23, 2011 in Uncategorized